Malay Language
Malay Language Unit Partnership with MENDAKI
MENDAKI is a self-help group dedicated to helping the Malay/Muslim community. This year, 2022, the Malay Language Unit is happy to welcome MENDAKI as one of our partners to conduct a series of modules reaffirming the values and cultural aspects of the Malay students.
These modules will further uplift the underprivileged and nurture a learning positive mindset as well as provide valuable guidance to our students to be future role models in the community.
The modules were done in a face to face interactions with some well-known Malay community figures such as Mr Iskandar Muda Abdul Jalil who is a well known Silat teacher. He shared some tips to our Sec 3 students on how to be a successful person by instilling the values learnt through Silat.
Mr Anuar Othman was another visitor to the school. He is a prolific writer who has written 15 books. One of Mr Anuar’s famous book is Mencari Hidayah.He was invited to talk about successful Malays who could be role models for the Malay community.
The 5 modules our Sec 3 students attended.
Module 1: Preserving identity through poetry.
Students will study while learning how to create a poem through theme, rhythm (rhyme), content of knowledge and melody that brings meaning to those who hear the poem.
Module 2: Martial spirit to fight for success.
Students will learn how the spirit of struggle towards success can be sustained by every Malay child through the qualities practiced by martial artists.
Module 3: My story and Malay identity.
Students will learn about the background of the Malay race and what are the characteristics of Malay identity. This identity can be developed through the understanding and study of Malay folk tales and modern films.
Module 4: Motivating our Malay Youth.
Students will be introduced to Malay figures who have achieved success, the challenges they face and how they overcome them.
Module 5: Malay customs and culture in the 21st century.
Students will learn how to preserve the Malay distinctive heritage and wisdom of customs and culture in the 21st century.
The Malay Language teachers sincere hope is that one day, our students can identify themselves with one of the role models they have learnt in these sharing and be successful in their own ways and contribute back to society.
We would like to convey our sincere appreciation and thanks to MENDAKI and hope to continue working with the organisation again in the near future.
Teaching and Learning of Malay Language
Students’ Learning Space
Our Malay Language unit was invited to participate in a joint collaboration with the Malay Language Centre of Singapore (MLCS) in the implementation of the Students’ Learning Space in the teaching and learning of the language. Lessons from the Jauhari textbook were digitised and transformed into classroom activities, facilitated by our very own Senior Teacher, Cikgu Zulkifli Khamis and Master Teacher, Cikgu Rahmat Subadah. Students were given the opportunity to explore the online learning portal and apply specific thinking routines to aid and demonstrate their understanding of the topic based on prominent national figures, Lieutenant Adnan and Zubir Said.
Students’ Reflections
“Saya berasa menggunakan Ruang Belajar Pelajar Singapura (SLS) di dalam kelas lebih seronok daripada kelas yang tidak menggunakannya. Saya dapat mempelajari lebih banyak perkara lagi kerana ia menarik perhatian saya sebagai seorang remaja yang sering menggunakan alat-alat elektronik.” - Raisyad Danish
“Apabila kami menggunakan Ruang Belajar Pelajar Singapura (SLS), kami dapat mengurangkan jumlah kertas yang digunakan. SLS juga membuat aktiviti di dalam kelas lebih menarik dan seronok. Apabila menggunakan SLS, kami boleh mendapat semua informasi dari situ. Sebagai seorang remaja, kami lebih sula menggunakan alat elektronik di zaman ini.” - Muhammad Seifullah Giri
“Penggunaan Ruang Belajar Pelajar Singapura (SLS) di dalam kelas ialah suatu inisiatif yang baik kerana ia membuat waktu di dalam kelas lebih menarik. Kami dapat mempelajari lebih banyak perkara dengan lebih mendalam kerana kami dibenarkan melungsuri lelaman internet untuk mendapatkan informasi ketika melakukan kajian.” - Sifie Lizdiyanie
GCE O Exam Preparation Workshop
In an effort to ensure the readiness of our students for the national examination in June, a joint exam preparation workshop was organised and hosted by our ML unit, with four other schools onboard. This is in congruence with the aim to equip students with techniques in answering components in Papers 1 and 2 through sharing by teachers from different schools. Through interaction with students and teachers from cluster schools Holy Innocent High School, Saint Andrews’ Secondary School and Holy Innocents High School as well as guest school Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah, our students gained valuable knowledge and friendship.
Students’ Reflections
“Perkongsian oleh para guru yang berbeza telah membuka minda saya kepada teknik-teknik pembelajaran yang berbeza. Bukan sahaja saya dapat menambah ilmu, tetapi saya juga dapat bertemu para pelajar dari sekolah lain. Sekarang saya berasa lebih yakin untuk menghadapi peperiksaan nasional yang mendatang. Kepada pelajar-pelajar menengah tiga, kamu patut menghadiri bengkel ini pada tahun hadapan!” Siti Kholifatima Durrotun Nasuha Bte Suhaini
Action Research
In 2019 and 2020, the Malay Language department conducted an Action Research with our Secondary 3 Express and Normal (Academic) students. The Action Research was based on Listening Comprehension.
The objectives of the Action Research are to investigate if students:
● show improvement in their results after four sessions of interventions.
● are able to complete their Listening Comprehension practices independently using Google Form.
This ongoing project will enter its third year in 2021, with refinements made as we advance. A comparative study will also be conducted to further evaluate the outcomes of the research on different cohorts of students.
Students’ Reflections
“Setelah melihat markah keseluruhan yang saya perolehi, saya boleh mengatakan bahawa saya telah melihat peningkatan setelah sesi latihan yang kedua apabila saya mendapat markah penuh 20/20.”- >Muhamed Ibrohim Hanafi Bin Abdullah
Learning Journey
In order to provide students with a more holistic experience, the unit planned various learning journeys for students of different levels, namely from Secondary 1 to Secondary 3. At the end of their 4 or 5 year course in secondary school, students would have gained rich experiences from these visits.
Secondary 1 – Jejak Budaya to the Malay Language Centre of Singapore
Secondary 1 students were brought to the Malay Language Centre of Singapore (MLCS) to participate in station-based activities revolving around different aspects of the Malay culture. These included learning the names of herbs commonly used in Malay cooking, playing traditional Malay games and understanding the significance of specific traditional wear such as the headgear known as ‘tanjak’. In the recent visit, students were given the opportunity to try batik painting under the instruction and guidance of the renowned Batik artist, Mr Sarkasi Said. It was truly a rare, once in a lifetime experience for our students.
Students’ Reflections
“Semasa satu lawatan ke Pusat Bahasa Melayu Singapura, saya telah belajar mengenai beberapa permainan tradisional masyarakat Melayu. Kami belajar mengenai permainan Chapteh, Lambung Kain dan Gasing. Kami belajar mengenai asal-usul dan bagaimana masyarakat lama menggunakan bahan daripada hutan dan alam sekitar untuk membuat permainan tradisional mereka. Saya juga berasa gembira mendapat peluang untuk berjumpa Pak Sarkasi Said dan belajar daripada beliau tentang bagaimana membuat batik yang unik dan bermutu tinggi.” -Nurul Syuhada Nurul’ain
“Sekolah saya telah menganjurkan satu lawatan ke Pusat Bahasa Melayu Singapura. Saya berasa amat gembira berada di sana. Saya belajar cara membatik, penggunaan canting dan lilin dan sejarah batik daripada Pak Sarkasi Said. Para penganjur amat baik hati dan menyiapkan makanan yang enak untuk kami. Saya juga belajar bermain Chapteh dan Lambung Kain. Permainannya sangat seronok. Saya juga belajar cara bermain Gasing yang kini kurang diminati masyarakat Melayu. Saya amat gembira dapat pergi ke sana.” - Evelyn Angelina The
Secondary 2 – Arts Exposure Programme
The focus for Secondary 2 students was the Malay performing arts scene in Singapore. Some of the theatre performances that our students have attended are ‘Lanang’ by Hatch Theatrics, ‘Anak Melayu’ by Teater Kami and ‘Gentarasa’ which means ‘Chimes of Expression’, a showcase of the many performing talents from the Malay community. These theatre performances helps the student to appreciate the Malay Culture and also to raise awareness of social issues in Singapore.
Students’ Reflection
“Saya amat suka menonton pementasan ‘Lanang’ kerana ia menunjukkan masalah yang sering berlaku dalam sebuah keluarga. Sebagai contoh, ibu Lanang yang sedih kerana harus berpisah dengan suaminya dan terpaksa berdepan dengan ahli keluarga lain yang suka mengumpat dan mengata. Drama ‘Lanang’ menyentuh perasaan saya kerana ia mengingatkan saya tentang ibu saya sendiri. Saya sedar bahawa saya harus lebih menghargai Ibu dan membalas jasanya suatu hari nanti.” - Ilyas Bin Isa
“Saya seronok diberi peluang menonton teater ‘Anak Melayu’. Teater ini memaparkan realiti anak-anak Melayu zaman sekarang kerana pada kenyataannya anak-anak Melayu zaman sekarang banyak yang terjerumus pada pergaulan bebas. Saya mempelajari banyak pengajaran daripada pementasan ini. Antaranya ialah anak-anak remaja yang kurang baik perlu dibina dan dinasihati dengan penuh kasih sayang dan bukan dimaki hamun. Tambahan lagi, sebagai seorang remaja, kita juga harus berhati-hati dalam bergaul dan harus sentiasa berpegang teguh pada nilai-nilai agama.” - Audrey Goh Jia Jia
“Saya gembira diberi peluang untuk menonton pementasan ‘Anak Melayu’ bersama rakan-rakan. Teater ini memaparkan realiti anak-anak Melayu zaman sekarang. Mereka suka masuk campur hal-hala yang tidak baik untuk diri mereka. Contohnya merokok, meminum minuman keras dan sebagainya. Watak yang paling saya gemari ialah Yati kerana dia adalah satu representasi diri saya sebagai seorang remaja. Saya mempelajari bahawa anak-anak Melayu zaman dahulu dan sekarang tidak berubah. Ini menunjukkan yang kami tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk meningkatkan nama ‘Melayu’. Tambahan lagi, saya mempelajari bahawa banyak perkara yang boleh mempengaruhi kami dengan senang.” - Dania Haziqah
“Gentarasa kali ini memaparkan budaya Melayu lama di mana teknologi moden belum berkembang maju. Contohnya, untuk hiburan, mereka menggunakan wayang kulit untuk menghiburkan orang-orang kampung. Saya rasa persembahan para peserta amat menarik. Saya juga telah mempelajari beberapa perkataan bahasa Melayu.” - Siti Nadhirah Syadiyah Bte J
Secondary 3 – Jejak Warisan at Kampong Glam
In the final installment of the learning journey for students offering the Malay Language, Secondary 3 students were treated to a gastronomical adventure whilst delving in the age-old Malay culture of communal eating. We were fortunate to be able to hold a session of Jejak Warisan at the Mamanda Restaurant, the exact premise of Gedung Kuning, a former palace in Singapore and a prominent feature of Kampung Glam. Students shared a platter of Nasi Ambeng and were enlightened on the importance of the practice, the traditions that precede and follow as well as the significance of the individual dishes served on the platter.
Students’ Reflections
“Semasa lawatan ke Restoran Mamanda, saya telah mempelajari bahawa Nasi Ambeng turut dikenali sebagai Sego Ambeng. Hidangan ini dipercayai berasal dari Jawa Tengah. Jumlah lauk yang boleh dihidangkan terdiri daripada gandaan angka 7, misalnya 7, 14 dan 21. Menarik bukan? Selain itu, saya juga mempelajari tentang pelbagai ulam serta khasiatnya. Ulam ialah sayur-sayuran yang dimakan mentah. Sebagai contoh, jering boleh dimakan untuk mencegah penyakit seperti kencing manis, membersihkan buah pinggang serta melancarkan pembuangan air kecil. Maklumat yang saya pelajari dapat dikongsikan dengan keluarga saya.” - Muhammad Israfil B Rosley
“Saya amat beruntung kerana diberikan kesempatan mengunjungi sebuah museum di Taman Warisan mengenai masyarakat Melayu kerana ini lawatan saya yang pertama ke muzium sedemikian. Saya pelajari tentang kebudayaan masyarakat Melayu secara mendalam; , baju dan alat-alat muzik tradisional, sejarah lama mengenai mengapa dan bagaimana orang-orang Melayu mula berhijrah ke pulau Singapura yang dahulu dikenali dengan nama Temasek. Saya berasa lawatan ini amat bermanfaat dan harus diteruskan untuk para pelajar di masa hadapan.” - Merisa Indajang
Festive Celebrations – Hari Raya Foyer Display
In Bendemeer, Festive Celebrations are amongst the highlights of the MT Department programme. The three units have always strived to create awareness and understanding of our respective festive celebrations through the annual foyer display, covering different aspects of the celebrations each year.
This year’s Hari Raya Foyer display was based on the themes Cov-eid Raya and Retro Raya. Students reflected on how they celebrated their Hari Raya during the lockdown period also known as ‘Circuit Breaker‘ last year. At the same time, students from secondary 3 Normal (Academic) researched on how Hari Raya was celebrated during the 1960s and found many nostalgic pictures on the Internet that depict the joyous occasion.
Students from the secondary 3 Express and Normal (Academic) cohort then worked together to put up the beautiful display to usher in Hari Raya Aidilfitri. The display, intended to educate students from other races and religions, received positive responses from the school community for the visual appeal of the mannequins dressed to reflect the era they represent as well as the pictorial exhibits that brought many staff on a trail down memory lane.
External Competitions
Our students are encouraged to participate in competitions not only to further develop their mastery in the language but also for exposure to the nature of competitions and allow friendships to foster beyond the school. The ML unit constantly seeks to enrol students with interest and potential in competitions organised by esteemed learning institutions and organisations.
Friendly Inter-school Scrabble Competition at Yuying Secondary School
Yuying Secondary School organised the Pertandingan Persahabatan Sahibba 2019 (Friendly Malay Scrabble Competition) on Friday, 8th February 2019.
The objectives of the competition are as follows:
i. To provide a platform for secondary students to think creatively and critically using the Malay language;
ii. To provide an activity that encourages the use of the Malay language while enriching the participants with a wider scope of the Malay vocabulary;
iii. To cultivate the use of the Malay language by providing the participants with a competition of such nature; and
iv. To inculcate a sense of camaraderie in a healthy competitive environment.
Our school was represented by 2 students, **Nur Madiha Binte Abdul Hameed (3R4) and Nur Eisya Izzatie Binte Muhd Iskandar (3R4)** and managed to attain fourth position in the competition.
Translation Competition: 3T (TERJEMAH, TUTUR, TEPAT) at National Junior College
National Junior College’s Malay Literary Dramatic & Debating Society (MLDDS) organized the Translation Competition: 3T (Terjemah. Tutur. Tepat.) on Friday, 12 April 2019.
The objectives of the competition are as follows:
i. To hone students’ proficiency mainly in translating English Language to Malay Language (and vice-versa) both spontaneously and creatively, based on the context provided.
ii. To expose students to various situations where bilingualism is used in our daily lives.
iii. To develop their proficiency in using the Malay Language with their peers.
iv. To gain skills not just academically, but socially too, as they work together with their peers.
Our school was represented by 2 students, Merisa Indajang (3R2) and Parvena Kaur Daljit Singh (3R3). They gained valuable knowledge from their participation in the competition.