Our CCA Philosophy
CCAs are an integral part of our students’ holistic education. Our philosophy of CCA is for our students to discover their interests and talents while developing values and competencies that will prepare them for the rapidly changing world.
The vision for the CCA department is for every student to develop a sense of accomplishment and enhance his/her self-confidence through active participation in CCA. Guided strongly by the school values of Resilience, Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Care and Harmony, the CCA department also places great emphasis in fostering camaraderie, developing individual potential in sports and instilling a life-long passion.
In Bendemeer, each CCA is guided by a CCA Student Development Plan (SDP). This SDP is designed to provide a CCA experience towards progressive development and attainment of CCA learning outcomes as students move from one level to the next. The CCA SDP also provides students with an all year involvement in the CCA.
Provision is also made for all students to be exposed to the basics of the CCA, with the more advanced students supported to excel and develop their talents. A variety of programmes and activities are offered to provide for holistic development and to broaden students’ learning.
Each CCA also incorporates CCA-based Values in Action (VIA) activities or projects which are teacher-led or student-initiated to provide service learning opportunities and student leadership development.
The school also recognises that participation through CCA fosters social integration as students build friendships that are not bound by their diverse backgrounds while they learn, play and grow together. It also deepens the students’ sense of belonging, commitment and responsibility to school, community and nation.